Saturday, April 30, 2011


It really matters ....

Every one enters the job market to find the very right job! Most of them are well qualified and experienced. Yes, most of them possess the right skills too. Still a large population fail to find the right job matching their qualification and skill sets.
Recall your last shopping experience.  You buy anything only when you feel that the product is worth the price. Let us analyze your normal purchase decision in a Q&A format. 
How do you know that the product is worth the price?
You assess the usefulness, features, effectiveness, suitability  etc. of the product and compare the price of similar products in the market.
Who tells and convince you that this specific product is superior, worth and apt for your purpose ?
The salesman or the shop keeper.
Why the salesman takes pain to convince you ?
He wants to sell his product.
Similarly , when you enter the job market the prospective employer is coming for a shopping. He is coming to acquire the right talent. Here also, the employer assess you on certain parameters before taking a hiring decision. He looks whether you are useful, effective and suitable for his organisation. He will also see what value addition that you can offer to his organisation.
If he is convinced, no doubt , he will hire you. Let us analyses this situation. 
Who is going to convince him that you are the best ?
Here is no salesman to support you. You are the product and salesman. You have to market yourself. If you succeed in that you will get the right job and the right compensation.
What is the pre - requisite for this marketing effort ?
Like every marketing effort you must be able to communicate effectively. For that you have to use both written and oral communication.
What is the use of written communication here ?
Written communication is very similar to a product brochure. Yes , you are going to use an effective professional curriculum vitae , which is your product brochure.
What is the use of oral communication here ?
An interview is an inevitable phase in every hiring process. This is the time for face to face interaction. You have to convince the employer that you are worth and suitable for his organisation. After the face to face interaction he must feel that you are the candidate he was looking for. Here , you are using oral communication to market you.
Hope you got the significance of communication in landing the right job. Think about the pathetic situation of a job seeker, having enough qualification, experience etc. lack in communication skills.
Let us move further ! Just ask a question yourself.
Do I possess proper communication skills to impress my prospective employer ?
If your answer is negative ; NO NEED TO WORRY.
Boldly accept it. Then understand , you have attained certain academic and professional qualifications. So, there is no need to doubt your ability and competence. Recollect, that long way from your kindergarten days to this moment. During the first day in kindergarten, you were knowing nothing. But today, you know a lot of big things. It is a proof that you are competent and you can learn anything and  acquire any skill , if you have a burning desire in your mind.
Take a committed resolution that I WILL BE AN EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR WITHIN MONTHS. I'm sure that you will.
You may be wondering why I  have that much confidence on you.
I belong to an ordinary middle class family. I'm a first generation professional.  I had my schooling in an ordinary Malayalam medium school in my village. I have made a sincere effort to overcome my limitations in communication. My effort was a  success  and I am still trying to polish my communication skills.
I have successfully adopted certain techniques to improve my communication skills. Definitely, I wish to share them with you in the later parts of this write up. 
expect updates !



Getting a good night’s sleep before an exam is excellent preparation for the day ahead, so we have compiled some tried and trusted “Do’s and Don’ts”.  The relaxation exercise works for adults too!
  • Have a warm milky drink or herbal tea before bed.
  • Have a warm, fragrant bath before bed (not a hot one, see below)
  • Browse through a magazine or read a chapter of a (non school) book before putting out the light.
  • Listen to some relaxing music
  • Practise a simple relaxation exercise (see below)
  • AVOID the temptation to stay up late studying so that you are over-tired, as your memory cannot retain things when your brain is exhausted.
  • AVOID stimulants such as tea, coffee or cola drinks for at least four hours before going to bed.
  • AVOID having a hot bath before you go to bed, as it is very stimulating.
  • AVOID watching anything too exciting on TV before you go to bed, as it is difficult to then unwind.
How to Relax
a)   When you are anxious or stressed you tend to worry a lot and things go round and round in your head, which is a waste of energy. Worrying about a problem solves nothing!
b)  The opposite of being stressed and anxious is to be relaxed and calm.
c)    Practising a simple relaxation exercise before you go to sleep can help you to wind down and to get things into perspective.

Source :


  1. Improve conceptual clarity, avoid rote learning – You would be a more confident person while facing the exam if you are thorough with the concepts.  However, if your conceptual base is weak and you resort to rote learning, it would build up stress since you are not sure whether you would be able to grasp the essence of the question paper.
  2. Plan your study, avoid last-minute preparation  -  Plan your studies in advance.  Make a detailed time table and try as much as possible to adhere to it.  Procrastination always tends to build up stress. Remember, if you fail to  plan, you plan to fail.
  3. Take short breaks while studying -  Do not study continuously for long hours at a stretch since you may not be able to entirely assimilate what you have studied after a point of time.  This is due to fatigue which sets in after a certain point of time, indicating that this is the time to break.
  4. Don’t lose out on your sleep – Do not stretch your study time by cutting short your night sleep.  It is very important that you have a good night sleep for at least 6 hours so that you get rejuvenated in the morning for the next day’s preparation.
  5. Think positive – Avoid any sort of negative thoughts of not performing well in the examination since this may affect your preparation as well as your performance in the examination.  Thinking positive will definitely help you to adopt the right approach towards examination.  When your mind is at peace, without any anxiety, you would be in a position to perform better.
  6. Meditate and Exercise – Relax by practising deep breathing, meditation and yoga. Physical and Mental exercises will help to reduce stress.
  7. Eat healthy – You must stay healthy by eating good food and avoiding junk.  Do not skip meals for the sake of saving time for studying.  It is essential that you do not fall sick at the time of examination.


Source :