Sunday, May 1, 2011


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Dear CS Students,

As CS June Exams are just round the corner so would request you to note some of useful suggestions from my side. I have also shared these suggestions through PMs and forums. Hope you find them useful:

1. First kindly appreciate that panic is not the solution or substitute for exam preparation. So never waste your time and think positively. Plan and start your study accordingly as early as possible.

2. You must understand few basic things necessary for CS preparation. So workout a study plan and study according to the same. You may also take help of your friends and seniors around. Also analyse the exam pattern properly.

3. Revision is very -2 important so prepare a good revision schedule and follow the same strictly. Good revision is a key to success.


4. If you are preparing for the exams from the very beginning then this is the time for revision and addition of some new and imp topics to your treasure. In CS do not change the books and notes quickly without sufficient reason. Stick to the notes and books selected earlier.

5. Give first preference to the study material provided by the ICSI. Especially for theory subjects like Company Law and Economic Law

6. In CS Exams Law basics must be strong so never hesitate to discuss the topics with your friend for better grip. A healthy discussion helps you recall provisions/contents in a much better way. This is one of my old suggestions but this is something very very important.


7. In CS scanner is one of the most vital tool to succeed. So after your initial preparation don’t forget to check your preparation from scanner. In my opinion every question of Scanner should be on your figure tips. This is very imp for your own confidence.

To complete the question given in scanner take the help of ICSI guideline answer, as the case may be.

8. For CS preparation it is also worthy to note that in CS the percentage of repetition of previously asked questions are a bit high as compared to CA so it is advisable that during study time note the imp topics or make short notes for them. It would be very helpful for you during last time revision. Prepare short notes for frequently asked questions and revise them properly.


9. In CS sections and case laws are very important so this is the high and right time to lift your study standards. As per my personal opinion you should 100% go for Bare Act reading. There is no harm in developing a habit to refer bare act. Kindly understand Bare Act is not for preparation and just for reference purpose. You can always refer particular section from Bare Act very quickly.


As time is less for preparation so I would advise you to base your preparation on Scanner. Use ICSI guideline answers for preparation. After Scanner give sound reading to some more topics important from the exam point of view.

Time management is important so take care of that. Give First preference to those subjects which are not amongst your favourite after that prepare those subjects you are comfortable with.

Also adopt the suggestions given in above points keeping in view the availability of time. Don’t forget to take reasonable rest during study to recharge you. Also stay away from unnecessary exam stress.

10. Have faith in your abilities and never underestimate your worth. Keep your confidence high bcoz self confidence is very important to succeed in life.

All the Best

Azam - WIRC

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