Sunday, May 1, 2011

What do you think about winners?

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What do you think about winners? Are they extraordinary people with special skills and education? No, it's not true. Winners are just ordinary people like all of us with average skills. What makes them winners is not their extraordinary abilities, hard work, or good luck but their ability of thinking, dreaming, acting and working like a winner. They become winners much before others notice and appreciate them.

You can be a winner in any field of your choice. It may be sports, fine arts, business or your profession. All that you need is a winning mental aptitude. All other relevant necessities such as education, strong will, dedication, motivation and hard work will follow automatically taking you to that high success level where you will become a winner by all standards. If you give your mind clear signals that you want to be a winner then your mind will start working on that direction and keep you motivating to become an active person. You will feel a marked difference in your behavior and you will adopt a winning lifestyle by getting up early in the morning, doing some workouts, eating healthy food, associating yourself with successful people, setting and reaching your goals, learning new skills etc.

Some people are born winners while others are born losers. I know a person who instead of obtaining two masters degrees could not get a job because due to his inherent inferiority complex he failed to convince his employers of his worth. The poor fellow is driving a taxi to earn his livelihood. On the other hand, a student who got all A's in A level exams told me that his success was due to his positive tuning of his mind because he wanted to excel in all examinations. He told me that his mind was so responsive that he used to learn his lessons in minutes what other students had learned in hours.

I remained an average person most of my life because neither I thought I could win nor I received the necessary encouragement from my parents, teachers, family and friends. I remained an average person till I myself discovered my abilities and assured myself through positive self-talk that I can be a winner. I am now helping other people to become winners so I can now rightly say with confidence "I am a winner".

Your mind is the most powerful organ of your body which controls your actions. You are the product of your own mind and your mind has the power to create the environment needed to win and to convert your dreams into reality. If you keep on telling yourself "I am a winner" you will surely become a winner some day.

"I am a winner" attitude is always rewarding if it is not based on false pride but on truth and reality.

Azam - WIRC

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